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Friday, February 10, 2012


The tenent I most related to in the list of Assessment for Learning principles was AFL should focus on how students learn.  The reason I was most attracted to that tenent is because so often when I taught school (special education for 5 years) I saw teachers teach the same material in the same manner day after day, month after month, and year after year, with no regard of different learning styles.  As educators I believe it is our job to make sure we are teaching several learning styles and seeking each day to find out more and more how each of our students learn.  Teachers so often do not want to take the time to assess students individually to learn how they learn which I believe is a huge barrier for our students.  I believe portfolio assessment has a greater potential to understand what students are and have learned then giving tests.  I have completed my masters degree this last summer and the classes in which I learned the most and gained a strong knowledge of the material were the ones in which were assessed by portfolio's.  Even as a secondary special education teacher my students were given portfolio assignments rather then tests which had a large impact on how they learned.  I believe the reason why portfolio assessment has greater opportunities for students and their assessment is because it is what they created not a test they had to memorize.  I am a huge supported of portfolio's because I think they are a great way to get students involved in their own learning.  I have found students love to collect information and share it with others it means more to them if they discovered it rather then they had to cram for a test to try and learn it. 
I like the idea of creating a portfolio in this class as well because I will collect and compile the information that is important in my learning.  My portfolio will also serve as a way to keep all information in one place, the information that seems most important to me.  I look forward to building on what I have in my portfolio and continuing to use it as a tool to grow as a learner.   

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