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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


First thing I want to start with is WOW, this class has been a very great way to start thinking more in terms of integrating technology into the classroom, even if it is an online class.  I have known for a couple years now I wanted to focus more on technology and etec 524 has given me a base to grow on.  The biggest impact I have seen throughout this class is how you allowed us to create artifacts, portfolio's, Wiki's, and other pieces of information to our liking.  So often as educators we give students a lesson tell them they have to do it an exact way (the way we want it), and expect it to be done that way.  With etec 524 we were given the opportunity to discover our own interests using the technology of our choice. 
If students are given a choice and are able to express learning through the format we have been able to learning becomes so much fun and that is what we need to help students and ourselves grow.  The focus was not on cross the t and dotting the i rather on what we found of interest. I will continue to keep my blog, however I will use it as a way to interact with home school students.  One thing I am DEFINITELY going to use is the e-portfolio, I have loved creating that site and knowing all my important items are in one place.  Also as a home school mother, next year I will even have my 2nd grader keep track of her items using an e-portfolio.  I just want to say if more instructors as Dr. W were willing to be as open minded and realize education should be fun and not a chore, we would have more students who wanted to learn! Thanks! This has been a short but GREAT journey! I look forward to taking the information I learned and sharing it with others. 

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